Louis G. Holder
Associate Director
Louis G. Holder Rodríguez has extensive experience as a senior consultant in the financial and operational evaluation of companies including: Economía Hoy, Fluidos y Lodos de Perforación, Telecomunicaciones Bantel, Radio Cadena Mundial, Matadero Yaracal and Trujillana Fruit Company. These valuations are being used by Fondo de Garantía y Protección Bancaria (FOGADE) to set the minimum offering price during the privatization process. He has also participated as coauthor of a feasibility project, sponsored by the Instituto Nacional de Higiene, for the establishment of an institute for biotechnological development in Venezuela.
As a consultant in the Venezuelan public sector, Louis was involved in the Program for Restructuring of the Public Institutions, financed by the World Bank, to design and implement an information system to control public investment projects.
Prior to that, Louis was an academic researcher in the area of financial problems involving entrepreneurial initiative and new businesses. He compiled his findings in two books that were edited by IESA. His experience also includes General Manager of The National Project of Modernization of the Venezuelan Customs and General Manager of New Technologies Program, which was co-financed by The Interamerican Development Bank.